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Hai teman2 gamers..saya abis inet dapet cheat gunbound nih buat langsung dipraktekin ama kalian. Daripada bosan kelamaan main jujur, mending dicoba pake cheat ini. Bisa tambah Free AVATAR dan Tembakan kalian akan akurat 90%. Tapi jangan dibilangin siapa siapa ya! Ntar bisa ditutup lagi BUG nya oleh pihak GunBound, Khusus Pengunjung Gutas deh, Thx Buat Inponya mas aditya *Lagi....*

Tapi jangan protes kalo saya pake bahasa inggris. Soalnya ini juga Copas dari negeri tetangga. Oh iya, jangan banyak tanya ya. Aku belum coba2 itu cheat. Ini postingan cuma untuk SEO test CHEAT GAME ONLINE GUNBOUND INDONESIA FREE AVATAR DAN TEMBAKAN AKURAT 90% dari biasanya. hehehe…cuma test seo aja kok.

INi cheatnya:
Free avatar
If you want free avatar all you gotta do is send send as much gold as u need type “money/gold/41″ and higlight it then send any were form 10,000 to 40,000 gold to “createrforce” depindeing on ho much you avatar you want back and make sure you type the name of what u want, if that don’t work send ur gold to me and i will make it work for you “Blueeys34″ i use to play gun bound but now im quiting so send it top me before 2005 and i will send what ever you want back plaese don’t for get the name of the clothing avataryou want i will give you 2 pairs of for every 10,000 andd i will give that money away after 2005 to a lucky person if u wanna try to get it make sure you put “want2win” along with the money,what u want and how much you want somtimes i will give u extra.but alone somtimes will i give you extra by the way i think createrforce might have quit by now. good luck and have fuin plaing

Ini cheat tembakan akurat Gundbound goundboundnya :
download disini aja…


ni q kasih ke temen2 cara pakenya biar pd jago…

ni buat tembakn kita bisa akurat… tingkat keakuratannya diatas 90%

Page Down: Mengganti mobil
Page UP: Mengganti mode tembak (SLICE/DRAG)
Printscreen: memunculkan benang

caranya Pertama :
1. extract filenya
2. Jalankan sugar.exe
3. NNt akan ada muncul kotak teken ok
4. Jalankan SugarBar5.exe
5. Login ke Gunbound

NB: Mungkin antivirus akan mendetect file ini sbg virus tapi viruslah yg membantu hacking.

And jangan dibilangin ke sapa2 yach…
Hack ini masih berfungsi sampai detik ini..

Oh ya Harus pake OLD Interface..

2 komentar
  1. o_HedoZ_o February 7, 2009 at 1:03 AM  

    Wah Gul Cheatnya..........

  2. o_HedoZ_o February 7, 2009 at 1:04 AM  

    Wow Gaul Cheatnya..........................

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